Business Valuation

What is the value of your Company?

Get a free and anonymous indicative value for your business. The process takes about 15 minutes and at the end you will be given a free valuation report.



Alexander Sloan is not authorised under the Financial and Services and Markets Act 2000 but, in certain circumstances, we are able to offer a limited range of investment services because we are ICAS licensed.  We can provide these investment services if they are an incidental part of the professional services we have been engaged to provide.

Here at Glasgow Taxis Ltd, we commenced our journey with Alexander Sloan during early 2020. We came through the uncertainty of the pandemic with their full support and assistance and, through Miriam Akhtar, we embarked on the journey to introduce Xero cloud accounting software.

Her helpful, personable approach ensured our Admin Team were in a position to embrace and understand the many changes to our businesses. With the guidance of Miriam we have navigated the challenges and are confidently looking forward to the road ahead.

Robert McLean, Secretary, Glasgow Taxis Ltd

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