Virtual Kiltwalk 2021
April 28, 2021
Congratulations to all our Alexander Sloan team who took part in the Virtual Kiltwalk 2021 – and raised over £5,000 in the process!!
Over the weekend of 23-25 April, some of our team here at Alexander Sloan took part in the Virtual Kiltwalk Weekend, each person aiming to walk between 6 and 26 miles over the weekend.
Thankfully, the weather was beautiful and great for walking and each person averaged a whopping 19 miles – excluding all the extra miles clocked up by supportive family members and dogs!
With Scotland still in lockdown, unfortunately we couldn’t all join up but our team could be seen walking around Aberfoyle, Falkirk, Glasgow and even up Meikle Bin.
Congratulations to all who took part and we hope your feet and legs are recovering! A huge thanks also to all those who donated so generously.
Our team raised an incredible total of £5,182.50 – so a big thank you to all! The money raised will go to Alexander Sloan’s 2021 Charity of the Year.
This year, Alexander Sloan’s Charity of the Year is SANDS, a national charity providing support to anyone affected by the death of a baby.
To learn more about the charity and their work, please visit